The Orchard Core content management framework as software as a service, for you and your clients.

  • Sign up and create any number of Orchard Core sites you want.
  • No worries about deployment, maintenance, and upgrades - your Orchard site just works.
  • You can style your site in any way. And you can even automatically deploy your theme from source control!
  • There's a variety of modules and themes available that you can use.
  • It's fast. Don't take our word for it, try it out!
  • As seen on Microsoft AppSource and the Azure Marketplace.
  • And there's quite some technology behind it that you can use to build your own DotNest, or supercharge your Orchard development team.

Check out the knowledge base for more info!

Latest from our blog

  • DotNest is 10 years old - celebrate with our special offer!

    It's incredible to think about it, but DotNest just turned 10 today. Yes, we started on the 4th of March, 2014! While we're primarily an Orchard Core SaaS today, at that time, it was Orchard 1, of course. And since then, you've chosen us to host almost 6700 Orchard sites - wow, thank you! We wanted to celebrate this unique occasion with a very special limited offer; read on to see what you can get now if you launch a new site on DotNest.

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  • DotNest upgraded to Orchard Core 1.7

    Orchard Core, the CMS behind DotNest sites is constantly improved by its community, including us. Now it got its v1.7 release, which is available on all DotNest sites too.

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  • Your DotNest site (almost) never goes down

    You're trusting DotNest with your Orchard sites because you want some convenient, flexible, and reliable hosting. It's surely convenient (just a couple of clicks and you have an Orchard website running), and it brings all the flexibility of Orchard Core and Orchard 1. However, about that reliable part: How reliable is DotNest, actually? Pretty damn reliable! So, let's look behind the scenes and see some numbers.

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How many are there on DotNest?

Number of sites: 6717


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