
The basic service on DotNest is completely FREE, forever: you can register and create as many sites as you like for free. For more advanced usage we offer paid premium services:

  • Usage of custom domains: out of the box your sites are under a subdomain, but you can also use your custom domain. We ask for USD 25 per month for this upgrade. Alternatively, you can pay a year in advance for USD 275 and get one month FREE. (If you're an individual in the EU, we provide the same prices to you too, despite EU VAT laws requiring us to pay VAT on these fees.) You can purchase custom domain usage from under the given site of yours. With this service, you can also remove the DotNest footer, see theming. If you run an open-source project and want to host a site for it, then get in touch with us because we can provide you this service for free.
  • Storage: your site can use up to 1GB of media file storage. Contact us if you need more storage.
  • Sending e-mails: your site can send out 1000 e-mails per month. Contact us if you need to send more e-mails.
  • A custom theme developed just for you: if you wouldn't want to deal with theming yourself contact us and we'll build a theme just for you! The service is tailor-made and pricing depends on the complexity of the theme.

Are you an Orchard developer and want to build client sites on DotNest? We can give you a bulk discount or pay you a commission on your clients' purchases, just get in touch with us.

Would you like to build your own Orchard SaaS with DotNest technologyContact us for licensing options.