Contact us

You can use the following channels to reach out to us:

  • If you have any support questions or feature ideas, or even bug reports first you can turn to the DotNest issues on GitHub. There you can also check which existing ideas float around already.
  • Physical address (aka "mail the crew"): Podmaniczky utca 57. II/14., 1064 Budapest, Hungary.
  • You can also directly e-mail us at [email protected] (aka "email the crew"), which is the most reliable way to reach us. If you have found a security issue then please get in touch with us directly via [email protected] before disclosing it publicly and we'll look into it ASAP. E-mails sent to this address are received by at least two engineers of ours.
  • Telephone (aka "call the crew"): +1 (347) 535-0488
  • Or just use the contact form below, which is basically identical to sending us an email: