We at DotNest take the security of your sites very seriously and we do what we can to ensure that your and your users' data is safe.
- The data of the sites are completely separated. Users of other sites can't access your site's data.
- is exclusively served through HTTPS.
- DotNest sites, when using their default subdomains, are also only served through HTTPS. You can also set up HTTPS for sites behind custom domains, see using a custom domain name with DotNest.
- All DotNest sites are behind Cloudflare, offering a security layer and speed up by utilizing Cloudflare's worldwide Content Delivery Network (CDN).
- DotNest runs on Azure, Microsoft's flexible, reliable, high-performance cloud platform. We use Azure's App Service and Container Instances services, to run DotNest sites on a securely managed, always up-to-date platform.
- Media files are stored in Azure Blob Storage. We use geo-redundant storage that ensures your data is safe even if not just a server it is stored on fails but if the whole Azure datacenter is wiped out in a catastrophic event.
- To provide a safeguard against accidental changes or deletion we use point-in-time restore, soft delete for blobs, and soft delete for containers (managed under operational backup) with a 90-day threshold.
- For other changes made to the content of your website we use Azure's automatic backups for SQL databases with a retention period of 90 days.
- Additionally, you can use the Audit Trail module of Orchard to e.g. see exactly who did what on the website and have the ability to restore changed or deleted content right from the admin area.
- We use the Lombiq Hosting Suite to run DotNest safely, efficiently, and without downtime. This is why your DotNest site almost never goes down. You can use it in your own app too!
- We keep up-to-date with Orchard Core releases and apply them after each release, especially security updates, ASAP.
- DotNest is continuously scanned by Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) for security vulnerabilities. All code changes should pass ZAP scans before we roll them out to your sites.
If you ever need to recover a file or some other content you've mistakenly changed or deleted just let us know.
For GDPR compliance and privacy matters click here.
If you have found a security issue, then please get in touch with us and we'll look into it ASAP.