The first set of updates have arrived!
Only a few days after announcing DotNest (see the recording about it), we've released the first set of updates ('cause that's how we roll on Saturday evenings). Let's see what changed!
- MediaTheme deployment works (again, but you didn't see that before).
- SSL for tenants works on port 8443, work is still in progress to make it work on port 443.
- You can suspend your tenants if you want to disable them temporarily and then you can re-awaken them.
- It is also possible to delete a tenant - be aware that this action is immediate and irreversible.
- A little technical detail (may be interesting for the fellow devs): Orchard.Azure is upgraded to the latest 1.x source, which gives us much more flexibility regarding the configuration of DotNest. More importantly, the storage (Media and Indexing) performs faster and more efficiently with this upgrade.
Happy Orchardin'!
- The guys @ Lombiq
abhishekluv said
Superb work Lombiq <3
Zoltán Lehóczky said
Thanks :-).